Russian Bullfinch
Russian Bullfinch
Bullfinches found during the unprecedented large invasion of the winters 2004-05 and 2005-06, were because of their large size considered as belonging to the nominate race Phyrrhula p.pyrrhula. However the calls uttered by these birds differed significantly from those of Pyrrhula p. pyrrhula as I know them from Scandinavia. The invasion took place after a large scale failure of certain fruit crops in Russia, Paul Tout in litt. Their curious ‘trumpeting’ calls were noted by ornithologists everywhere these birds showed up outside but also inside Russia i.c. Moscow (Geert Groot Koerkamp in litt.). Like the nominate race these birds are large and bright coloured and lack any brown in the grey upperparts. I consider it justified to give them a subspecific name of their own on the basis of their distinct calls i.e. Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus. If one applies the so-called 75% rule than these P.p.musicus could easily be given species status.
As for the origin of P.p.musicus some individuals showed a small white patch on one or both of their outer tail feather(s) but no so-called cassini stripe, indicating a far eastern origin was found. Recordings by Albert Lastushin and Patrick Franke on Xeno Canto point at southern Russia and North Kazakhstan.
See here:

Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus female 04032005 Oostvoorne, The Netherlands.





Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus female 24012006 Rotterdam. The Netherlands.

Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus female 24012006 Rotterdam. The Netherlands.

Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus female 24012006 Rotterdam. The Netherlands.

Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus female 24012006 Rotterdam. The Netherlands.






Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus male 24012006 Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Russian Bullfinch Pyrrhula p. musicus male 24012006 Rotterdam, The Netherlands.