Black-billed White Cheeked Tern
Black-billed White Cheeked Tern
In 1994 Klaus Malling Olsen & Hans Larsson presented their book on Terns of Europe and North- America. On plate 28 opposite p.113 different plumages of White-cheeked Tern Sternarepressa are shown among them (no 5) of an adult in breeding plumage with a black bill. Malling Olsen writes on p.113 that this individual reminds him of the east-asian Common Tern subspecies longipennis.
See photo 1
Since Malling Olsen published his observation no further sightings of black-billed White-cheeked Terns were published until that is in Sandgrouse 45 (2023) pp.225 plate 1 a photograph taken by Xavier Gitre during a survey of breeding birds by boat around the Egyptian island of Wadi Gimal jn the western Red Sea showing no less than four Black- billed White-cheeked Terns displaying. Also on plate 2 another black-billed White cheeked Tern in flight carrying fish.
According to Cramp (1985) White-cheeked Terns from the Red Sea are slightly smaller than the larger White-cheeked Terns from the Persian Gulf.
See photo 2a en 2b
See pictures taken in the Persian Gulf by Jem Babbington here:
The White-cheeked Tern from the Persian Gulf has been renamed as Sterna repressa Hartert, 1916, Novitates Zool.,23.p. 288, Fao, Persian Gulf. Vaurie,1965.
Nevertheless Cramp cs did not split them into separate taxa! I therefore propose to name the smaller White-cheeked Tern of the Red Sea; Sterna repressa minor. See type specimens from Hurgada NW Egypt ad female 16071937 and 2CY male 22071937 Nat.His.Mus.Tring.
See photos 2-3-4-5
So far there has not been an example available in collections of the Black-billed White-cheeked Tern but thanks to Hein van Grouw one is now availble see no’s 6.-8 an adult male collected on 6th June 1923 in Port Sudan not far from Wadi Gimal in Egypt.
See photos 6-7-8-9.
I propose to name the Black-billed White-cheeked Tern Sterna (repressa) aegypticus.
– Cramp, Stanly cs. 1985. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa; The birds of the , Western Palearctic vol IV. Oxford University Press.
– Malling Olsen, Klaus & Hans Larsson. 1994.GMB Haarlem. Sterns van Europa en Noord-Amerika
Gitre, Xavier. Sandgrouse 45 (2023) pp. 224-227: A brief survey of breeding birds at Wadi Gimal island IBA, Egypt.
– Sterna r.repressa from the Persian Gulf photographed by Jem Babbington:
Vaurie,Charles. 1965. The Birds Of The Palearctic Fauna. Witherby ltb London.
– Sterna repressa stragglar to Mediterranean shore. Maritime and occurs offshore and in coastal waters:
Shirihai, Hadoram. 1996, Academic Press London. The Birds of Israel.